Camping with the Dead was made in about 3 hours (minus most of the sprites which I made about half a year ago) each for Trijam #219: The 3 hour game jam

Whilst setting up camp your party seems to have attracted an endless horde of zombies. There is only one option: go camping with the dead. 

The aim of the game is to survive as long as plausible. This may sound easy, however the zombies are not your only worry. Your teammates don't care if you are in between them and their target and will pull the trigger regardless (Which is definitely not because I could not add that feature within the 3 hours :P).

Thank you for playing and I hope you enjoy going camping with the dead! :D


- Aim with the mouse

- Left mouse button to shoot

- Move with ASDW

This game can also be played with a controller:

- Aim with the right stick

- Right trigger to hoot 

- Move with the left stick

The artwork is based on 'Death road to Canada' which is an awesome game!


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11:16   👍

got 2:47!

Well done!

Great job love the art!

Thank you for playing the game! Glad you liked it :D